

A floral divider with a lotus flower in the centre, surrounded by blooming jasmine.

For more information on a work, click the title. Titles marked with "🜎" have been nominated for or awarded something cool!

In development & ongoing

SCI-FI-Yonara! (demo published December 2022)

A branching interactive narrative about the tenacity of human connection, compassion, and cruelty in the face of planned obsolescence. Bittersweet and cheesy tasting notes with a generous, full-bodied finish of nostalgia and camp. Originally conceived for the Twine Sci-Fi Jam.

Tools & assets

Pellicule (March 2024; Demo & Download)

A minimalist UI template pack for use with Twine's Sugarcube format, inspired by professional screenplay formatting and analog photography. Pellicule is available in a Screenplay UI Format (includes built-in widgets to format passage text as a screenplay) and a Epistolary & Prose UI Format (includes built-in widgets to format epistolary text or display longform prose).

Published works

ianthine (February 2025; IFDB/Play)

222 words of contrapuntal poetry about balmy summer nights and the differences between asymptotes, isolines, and imperfect collinearity. Or: you take a walk with someone and kiss goodbye instead of saying it. A submission to Smoochie Jam 2025.

Lilac: Volume I of the Darling Wine Duology (June 2024; IFDB/Play)

A facsimile of a book of hours recovered from the library of the Remington Estate. This relic offers a surprisingly intimate view into the notoriously private inner life of the Imperial Advisor and his equally tight-lipped wife. In a city that glitters like broken glass, some of the sweetest love stories live between the lines.

vanitas (June 2024; IFDB/Play)

After a woman who cannot die does the impossible, the moon watches the place she once stood. or: the sun long turned to darkness. The moon turns now to blood. Silver spreads through the world. A sort of love story told severed from its context and those it belongs to. Created for the 2024 Neo-Twiny Jam.

wild oats (January 2024; IFDB/Play)

A tale of two men and the father who brings them face-to-face to break bread. This is not a love story, but it could be one. This is not a love story, but it may look like one. This is not a love story. It is a tale of hunger, harvest, and consumption. These are all faces that love wears. It is a story about food. Created for the 2024 Neointeractives Recipe Mini Jam.

Three Things (July 2023; IFDB/Play)

An exercise in translation, memory, and (anti)mimesis. The semester is coming to an end and you have a literary translation final to complete. It's been a long five months of learning how to navigate through foreign tongues and bridging the gap between literature, author, and yourself. You know perfectly well that seven lines of poetry is more than enough to weave a life out of; what will you make of Anna Akhmatova's "He loved..."? (Perhaps the more important question is what it will make out of you.) Created for the 2023 Anti-Romance Jam.

Awarded 2nd Place, Best Use of Interactivity and 10th Place, Best in Show in the IF Short Games Showcase 2023.

in igni (June 2023; IFDB/Play)

A slice of psyche taken from moments in a lovely TTRPG campaign. 498 words. Created for the Neo-Twiny Jam 2023.

Nominated for Author's Choice for Best Game of 2023, Outstanding Game of the Year, and Outstanding Twine Game of 2023 in the 2023 IFDB Awards.

Kyrie Eleison (June 2023; IFDB/Play)

A kinetic reflection on life, love, and what it is to outlive yourself. If you enjoy Only Lovers Left Alive (2013) and/or complicated feelings about consumption, this one's for you. 500 words. Created for the Anti-Romance Jam 2023 and Neo-Twiny Jam 2023.

Goncharov: Coda (December 2022; IFDB/Play)

A tongue-in-cheek fan game created to immortalize the meme juggernaut that was Goncharov (1973) in late November 2022. I consider this game my first successful foray into comedy. It was a submission to the unranked Goncharov Game Jam.

Quintessence (October 2022; IFDB/Play)

An interactive short story about a girl, goodness, and sinister mechanisms of fate heavily inspired by and worked in the spirit of Slavic folklore. Created in four days for Ectocomp 2022 (English, Le Grand Guignol).

Received the IFDB Award for Outstanding Underappreciated Game of 2022 - Author's Choice, tied with Cannelé & Nomnom - Defective Agency for the 2022 IFDB Awards Outstanding Underappreciated Game of 2022 - Players' Choice category, and ranked 7/19 in the original Ectocomp 2022 jam. Spooky, short, and sweet.

Leda and the Swan (May 2022; IFDB/Play)

A kinetic prose poem about agency, autonomy, pretty things with ugly insides, and how to carry a heavy kind of haunting. Dedicated to every Leda I know, and every one I do not.

Nominated for Outstanding Short Game in both Author's Choice and Player's Choice categories in the 2022 IFDB Awards.

Elsinore: After Hamlet (May 2021; IFDB/Play)

An interactive re-imagining of Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a plague text and reckoning of Asian American identity under the influence of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic during its first year. This game is my first one ever, created in Twine with virtually zero prior coding knowledge. Its creation was both incredibly cathartic and incredibly stressful, and while it is not the most structurally beautiful of my works, I deeply appreciate its status as a time capsule of a period of my life ruled by constant, global uncertainty.

Game Jams

In the summer of 2023, I ran the first annual Anti-Romance Jam, an unranked jam intended to explore all the messy spaces and sensations that exist against and around romance. I am also a co-founder and moderator of The Neo-Interactives, a hub dedicated to connecting Interactive Fiction and IF-adjacent creatives and organising small and unranked game jams.


recent publications

lilac (June 2024; Read)

Love, like blood, must be spilled to be swallowed. Sometimes the sweetest love stories live between the lines; sometimes biting is a love language all its own. Companion zine to the playable first volume of the darling wine duology, available on itch.io.

Something shimmers darkly at the very periphery of the room. Hidden away beside a celestial globe and its ornate brass stand is an illuminated door to a bookshelf set into the wall. To browse all zines, open the door.


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